The walls stared at me with a mix of disappointment and longing. Blaming me for not putting up a shelf, a TV, a picture...
Anything, really.
And deep down, I knew...
Walls can't pass judgment.
Yet, I could almost see the headlines in the newspaper flashing before my mind:
Yet, I could almost see the headlines in the newspaper flashing before my mind:
"The Naked Wall Scandal: Local Artist Shocks Community with Bare-Walled Controversy"
Okay, stop! My art was going up on the walls. Immediately.
I am staring at the result, baffled... Putting up pictures on the walls...
Those once-blank walls without a soul (bless!) transformed into a gallery of vibrant expressions. No longer blaming me for leaving them empty-handed. These walls have found their voice, and I have found a sense of fulfillment.

Do you have pictures on your walls? If not...
Maybe it's time to make those walls sing, dance, and party like never before! ;)
My name is Carin and I am a professional Photographer, Photo editor, and Digital artist.
If you want to order unique, signed art for your wall, or if you need a Photographer - send me an email! I read and answer them all as quickly as possible.
If you want to order unique, signed art for your wall, or if you need a Photographer - send me an email! I read and answer them all as quickly as possible.
High five! Your message is sent 😎 - Carin